
Economic Summit Partnering for the Future


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The European Economic Summit 2016:

“Business and Economics Promoting Justice, Integrity and Human Flourishing.” Wednesday 7 – Friday 9 September 2016, Amsterdam

We are living in tumultuous times. Our societies are being shaken by the large influx of those fleeing war and violence in their home nations. This is exacerbating the threat of yet another economic downturn that has the potential to equal, if not exceed, the one in 2008. A lack of adherence to ethical standards, over indebtedness and low levels of productivity and innovation have formed a toxic mixture. It is clear that just trying to “fix” the current system will not work in the long run. In the midst of all of this however the words ring out: “do not fear.” There is wisdom available for those who humbly seek it.
The aim of the European Economic Summit 2016 is to seek the wisdom available from models nurtured from Christian tradition, faith and thought. During the 2014 Summit new business and economic paradigms were presented that emphasized the central role of relationships and mutuality. These paradigms are rapidly coming of age and in 2016 we will examine how they can be used to promote justice, integrity and human flourishing in the times in which we live. The emphasis will be placed on how these paradigms can help to revitalize our economies, promote community, facilitate job creation for all including refugees, combat systemic poverty and injustice and promote the emergence of human trafficking-free zones.

You can expect the following from the Summit program:

  • Input and inspiration from some of the world’s foremost authorities in the fields of transformational businesses, new economic thinking, human trafficking, migration and combating systemic poverty through business.
  • Insight to help you to interpret and understand the times.
  • Concrete strategies.
  • The opportunity to interact with and build relationships with other like-minded leaders.

Who should attend:
Leaders in the fields of business, economics and government who desire to catalyze change. All who have an appreciation for faith’s contribution to society are welcome.
Dates and Times:
Weds. 7 Sept. 2016; 2.00 – 8.30 pm;

Thurs. 8 Sept. 9.00 am – 8.30 pm;

Fri. 9 Sept. 9.00 am – 2.00 pm

Dominion Centre, Ellermanstraat 30, 1114 AK Amsterdam-Duivendrecht; tel. +31-(0)20-800-0150

Summit fees:
Entire summit: 295 EUR, Weds. 7 Sept. 90 EUR, Thurs. 8 Sept. 125 EUR, Fri. 9 Sept. 80 EUR
Young professionals (under 35 years old)
Entire summit: 225 EUR, Weds. 7 Sept. 70 EUR, Thurs. 8 Sept. 100 EUR, Fri. 9 Sept. 60 EUR


For more information contact us via: [email protected]

Recommended hotels:
Bastion Hotel Amsterdam Amstel, Verlengde Van Marwijk Kooystraat 30 Amsterdam; tel. +31-20-6634567. 10 minutes walk from the Dominion Centre.

  • Mercure Hotel Amsterdam City, Joan Muyskenweg 10, 1096 CJ Amsterdam; tel. +31-20-721-9176
  • Courtyard Hotel Amsterdam Arena, Hoogoorddreef 1, 1101 BA Amsterdam; tel. +31-20-241-5000. 15 mins. from the Dominion Centre, incl. metro.
  • Hampton by Hilton Amsterdam Arena Boulevard, Adres: Hoekenrode 1, 1102 BR Amsterdam Zuid-Oost, tel. +31-20 -820-3200

Hotels can be booked online through or


Deklaracja Europejskiego Szczytu Gospodarczego (Polish)


We wrześniu 2014 roku, 175 osób z 26 naródow zebrało się w Amsterdamie, aby wziąć udział w pierwszym Europejskim Szczycie Gospodarczym. Celem szczytu było wprowadzenie nowych paradygmatów dotyczących finansów i gospodarki opartej na tradycji chrześcijańskiej , wierze oraz myśli, jak również przedstawienie tak zwanego businessu tranformacyjnego, który miałby służyć jako nowy model na rzecz walki z ubóstwem oraz oferować zrównoważone rozwiązania.


Erklärung des Europäischen Ökonomischen Gipfeltreffens 2015 (German)

Das Ziel des European Economic Summits (Europäisches Ökonomisches Gipfeltreffen) ist, neue Denkmodelle für Finanzen und Wirtschaft, die auf christlichen Traditionen, Glauben und Gedankengut basiert sind, bekannt zu machen und sich verändernde Unternehmen als neue Modelle für Armutsbestreitung und langfristige Lösungen vorzustellen.


Déclaration du Sommet Economique Européen (French)


En septembre 2014, 175 personnes faisant partie de 26 nations se sont ramassés à Amsterdam pour le premier Sommet Economique Européen. Le but du sommet : introduire des nouveaux paradigmes sur les finances et l’économie fondés sur l’héritage chrétien, la foi et la pensée ; et présenter des affaires transformationnelles comme un nouveau modèle pour le soulagement de la pauvreté et des solutions durables.


Summitul Economic European – Declarație (Romanian)

În Septembrie 2014, 175 de persoane din 26 de națiuni s-au adunat în Amsterdam pentru primul Summit Economic European. Scopul Summitului: să introducă noi paradigme în finanțe și economie bazate pe gândirea, tradiția și credința creștină, și să prezinte afacerile transformaționale ca model nou pentru reducerea sărăciei și pentru găsirea unor soluții sustenabile.